
شرح 10 Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources Enterprise Structures Configurator 2 By Eng Helal Ahmed

كورس Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

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قائمة الدروس | 13 درس


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كورس معتمد What is global HR Oracle? Oracle's Global HR provides simple, intelligent navigation and allows simple completion of complex workforce processes that are easily configured to manage everything from a thousand-person company to large global organizations. What is global HR system? Global human resource management, sometimes referred to as global HRM, is an umbrella term that includes all aspects of an organization's HR, payroll, and talent management processes operating on a global scale. What is Oracle used for in HR? Oracle Performance Management is a self-service product that enables enterprises to implement an effective performance management system. It enables managers and employees to manage performance management functions including objectives setting and appraisals process. Free4arab | Information Technology Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources By Eng-Helal Ahmed | Arabic
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حتى تستطيع المشاركة و التفاعل مع التعليقات

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